

Today's post is about lingerie, of all colors and styles.

Like stockings with garters.

I happen to like black lingerie.

I also like lingerie that doesn't match.

The androids prefer the simple look.


All righty then

You may have noticed a lack of posting here lately, due to the fact that my employer handed out new computers to all the employees on Monday. The new computers have a built in web filter which only allows us to access sites that are work related, oh, and I can get to CNN, so posting here will be somewhat erratic and random.



Today's post is about guitars.

Guitars in various shapes and colors.

Both electric and acoustic.

Even toy guitars count.



Today we are going to point out some of the do's and don'ts of proper hygiene.

You should not bathe with your clothes on, it makes it more difficult to get your skin clean.

Hot water and soap are highly recommended.

Those handheld shower wands almost always make rinsing the soap off easier.

Whatever works as long as you get clean.



I thought today I would post some pics of the great outdoors for your viewing pleasure. Here is a nice shot of the mountains.

And this is a nice picture of the woods.

Out by the palm trees.

Out by the pond.

Or even just in the backyard.



There is something quite fetching about a lady in a corset.

Something that the androids can't be dragged away from.

It makes no difference what color they are or what they are made of.

They are just simply fetching.

The androids are definitely fans of the corset.


Busy Friday

As usual, Friday is a busy day, so I found a picture of a farm for your enjoyment.


Have you ever noticed how much different things look when they are wet?

It's not an oily look, but a look all it's very own.

Yes, things that are wet can be quite the alien distraction.


What's cooking

Strange things occasionally happen in kitchen, things that drive the androids to pure confusion.

Strange things indeed.

You could even say peculiar.

Care for a strawberry?